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Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Sherbet Foutains

Sherbet fountains are a timeless classic and one of the most popular sweets ever. It is perfect for those who like their taste buds stimulated. As soon as you put this sweet in your mouth, it starts to produce effervescence along with a sweet and tangy flavor.
They are packaged in a plastic tube with a liquorice dip. Formerly, they were sold in paper packaging. Many consumers regret this replacement since paper packaging added an extra dimension to the experience.
In order to enjoy this confectionery delight, you used to have to bite off the straw and then suck the sherbet through the straw to experience the sherbet dissolving and fizzing on your tongue that was indeed a fun experience. A lot of people prefer to douse the liquorice in the sherbet and then lick it off. Some people simply put the sherbet inside their mouth and enjoy eating the liquorice separately.
Barratt, a division of Tangerine Confectionery, manufactures Sherbet Fountains these days. According to Tangerine Confectionery, the change in the packaging was for hygiene reasons.
If you want to partake in Sherbet Fountains in the traditional way, you either have to look for traditional sweet shops in your area or order sweets online.
Having sweets is a great way of rediscovering your childhood time when nothing mattered more than visiting a traditional sweet shop. Though you may not find the same scenario again you can certainly replicate the experience that you enjoyed in your childhood by seeking out a traditional sweet shop on the high street or buying sweets online.

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